Picture Yourself Quiz
Welcome! You have obviously thought a great deal about your decision to
apply for admission to one of the US military academies, or you wouldn’t
be visiting our Greystone at Schreiner University web site.
We’ve designed this short exercise to help you think about some relevant
issues is greater depth. Note that there are no wrong answers here - the
important thing is how you prioritize your choices. Each individual is
unique, and that is exactly how you will be treated in the Greystone
Please rank each set of answers from 1 to 4 and, if you would like
feedback from the Director personally, simply send an email to him via
the link at the bottom of the page. A copy of your responses and the
contact information you supply will be sent to Dave Bailey, his eyes
1. The primary responsibility of
a military officer is
To provide effective
leadership to his/her subordinates
To execute the orders of his/her superiors
To protect and defend the people and the constitution of the United
To do their duty with honor and integrity no matter what the personal
2. My main motivation in seeking
a US military academy appointment is:
To obtain an excellent
To begin a career of service to my country
To follow in the footsteps of those I admire
To utilize my skills and knowledge in behalf of a cause I believe in
3. The principal mission of the
US Military academies is to:
Ensure a constant flow
of trained offices into the services
Prepare young men and women for leadership in combat
Maintain the high standards of the military officer corps
Train young officers in the principles of duty, honor and country
4. The most important qualification I can have in order to qualify for
an academy nomination and appointment is:
Demonstrated leadership
Athletic and physical prowess
High ethical and moral standards
An excellent academic record
5. Effective leadership requires:
The ability to motivate
others to excel
Understanding how to communicate well
Being an outstanding role model for others
Maturity, judgment and insight
6. The primary benefit of an academy education is:
In-depth learning opportunities in a wide range of fields of study
Practical, hands-on learning experiences
Gaining a life-long network of friends and comrades
Preparation for anything that life can throw at me in the future
7. After looking over the program
I think the most significant advantage of a year spent in the Greystone
at Schreiner University program is:
I will have 36 hours of
university credits under my belt no matter what happens
I will mature, gain confidence in myself, and acquire essential
leadership skills
The military academies are already familiar with the high quality of
Greystone-prepared applicants, which increases my chances of success
I will receive greater value for money than in any other academy
preparatory program
8. I believe that the main thing
I need to do to overcome rejection and win my appointment the second
time around is:
I need to improve my academic record
I need to demonstrate greater leadership abilities
I have a slight blemish on my record and I need to demonstrate that I
can be trusted as a person of honor and integrity
I need to improve my physical abilities
9. I have compared Greystone at Schreiner with other ‘academy prep’
programs and the main difference I see is that
Greystone is the only
university-level program in the country
Greystone offers better organized academic, character and physical
development opportunities
Greystone-prepared students have over 90% success rate in gaining their
Greystone and Schreiner University offer significant need-based
financial aid
10. My top priority is to gain admission to
West Point
The Air Force Academy
The US Merchant Marine Academy
The US Coast Guard Academy
11. If I am successful in gaining my appointment I will
Probably make a career
out of military service
Be fully prepared for whatever I decide to do with my life
Serve my country proudly
Follow in the footsteps of thousands of dedicated men and women
12. Regarding my decision to
become a military officer my parents
Fully support me and my
Are worried for me personally but understand my motivation
Agree that an academy education will be the best option for me
Believe that I am mature and motivated enough to succeed in whatever I
choose to do in life
To send a confidential summary of your responses to Dave Bailey,
Greystone Director,
click here.