Picture Yourself at Greystone

As the Director of Greystone, my responsibilities include the determination of which applicants are the right fit for Greystone and which are not. Before we discuss the details of your application, I want you to spend a moment going over the self-analysis below. It will help you determine what is important to you and where your priorities are. If your score reflects that you are Greystone material or are leaning toward Greystone, call me to talk about your application. If your score indicates that Greystone is not right for you, that's OK too - I would enjoy the opportunity to talk about your academic plans. Every academy-bound student is important to me - whether or not you attend Greystone. So come on, see if you can “picture yourself” at Greystone!

Your biggest “life” decision thus far was your decision to pursue an appointment to the academy. Although that plan did not turn out as you originally had hoped - never give up your dreams! The question now is whether you are still committed to this pursuit. If so, you must decide what to do and where to go in order to maximize your opportunities and your options as you reapply to the academy.

What will you base this decision on?

Choosing the right prep school requires facts, not historical hype or inflated records of accomplishment. At Greystone, we are not interested in trying to dazzle you with fluff - we are interested in providing you with the best possible academy prep program to meet your needs.

Greystone Facts: 

  • Average GPA for Academic Year 2004-2005 was 3.65.
  • Most students enrolled in 18 credit hours of Schreiner courses per semester.
  • Greystone core curriculum consists of 2 semesters of Calculus, Chemistry with lab, English Composition and American History.  Students also are required to take Honors Seminar, Freshman Seminar, Strength and Conditioning, American Foreign Policy and Exercise Science.
  • The average improvement on the SAT/ACT was 112 points (max was 180 points).
  • The average improvement on the PAE (now CFA) was 24%.
  • Greystone students tutored at a local elementary school and the Carver Academy in San Antonio.
  • All students participated in either varsity, Junior Varsity or intramural sports after classes.
  • All students participated in morning PT and evening study hall 6 days per week.
  • All Greystone students received at least one nomination.
  • 80% of all Greystone graduates earned their appointment.
  • 100% of academy appointees survived Plebe Summer and are doing very well at the academies.

Is Greystone right for you and are you right for Greystone?

Take our fun little quiz and keep track of your score as you go along. Your total score will give you some idea if Greystone is right for you and if you are right for Greystone. Don't take this quiz too seriously, it's just for fun. Who knows, maybe it'll give you a better feel for what you really need in a prep school to help you make your decision! In the end, it will make you think!

click for quiz >

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