Focus on the Moral Aspect of the Mission

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The Character Development program at Greystone is derived from Ethics courses, Leadership and Law courses and Honor programs from the various academies. This program is presented at an introductory level and serves as the foundation for the development of individual moral compass. The Character Development program is divided up into 3 distinct segments:

Segment 1: a formal lecture will introduce the subject to be analyzed (honor, integrity, trust, courage, accountability, responsibility, etc.). In preparation for each lecture, students read various character related articles to focus on the subject and stimulate thought and self-analysis.

Segment 2: following the lecture, the class is divided into smaller discussion groups to support a lively exchange of views, observations and opinions. A group moderator will keep the conversation focused on the subject. The objective is to stimulate each student to evaluate their own personality and to analyze their individual character. For most students, the Character Development course will afford them the first opportunity to think about what makes up their character, formulate their opinion or position and openly exchange the results of their analysis with the group. The objective is to cause an exchange of ideas, views and opinions so that the student can establish their own moral compass. This self-analysis will serve to either modify or reinforce individual characteristics and create a student more aware of their inner person and their own personal guidelines.

Segment 3: the final segment of the program is the John J. Klocko, III Character Development Guest Lecture Series. This series supports a formal presentation in the evening from a distinguished academy graduate. The presentation is intended for Greystone students, but will be open to all Schreiner students, faculty and staff as well as the general public. The purpose of the presentation is to show through personal anecdote and stories how their individual character influenced their life. Lecturers will be asked to relate how their life was impacted, because of their Character Development education derived from their academy experience. The discussion is scheduled for approximately 30 minutes and is followed by a question and answer period.

The Character Development program is intended to foster interest in the development of individual honor and integrity. Academy-bound students must make informed decisions regarding their integrity and honor. These life decisions are based completely on the strength and make-up of their character. Exposure to the foundation of personal honor will assist students to understand the ramifications of decision-making as an individual or as a leader and serve them well as they prepare to enter the academy.

Greystone Preparatory School | Copyright © 2004