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Greystone Tuition

The cost of public and private education has increased significantly over the last few years. This includes the costs for private academy preparatory schools as well as colleges and universities. Some of the high-end prep schools are demanding well over $32,000 per year for tuition and at the low-end, request just below $10,000 per year. Obviously, not all institutions are created equally nor do they offer the same quality program. As you conduct your research for the best institution, you must first determine if the program meets your individual needs as well as the academic expectations of the academies – not all programs are created equally!

Cost is not always the best indicator for a preparatory school. You as an academy-bound student and your parents must look at each program as an investment in your academic future. There is a great deal riding on this decision and it is not all about the cost of the prep school. Most academies estimate the value of their 4-year experience to be between $220,000 and $280,000. When you evaluate a school, pay particular attention to whether the program can maximize the return for your investment. Determine if the program:
• provides a focused education tailored to meet your individual needs.
• complies with the academy’s recommendation for reapplication students.
• prepares each student for the physical demands of the academy first-year.
• assists students to understand the ethical and moral obligations required by the academies.
• provides each student with a safety net or back up plan just in case they do not receive their appointment.

Your motto for selecting a preparatory school needs to be “buyer beware”. If you do the homework and ask the hard questions, I am confident you will return to Greystone.

By doing homework, Greystone successfully teamed up with Schreiner to create a total program specifically designed for academy-bound students. Minimizing tuition cost and maximizing the academic, physical and ethical value of the program has been the top priority as Greystone evolved. Comparatively speaking, the cost of the Greystone program is greater than the majority of preparatory programs, but what you receive for the cost is well worth the added investment in terms of a college-level curriculum, 36 earned college credits, academy-specific academics, physical preparation, character development, leadership opportunities, personal growth and individual maturity. Even though the costs of education is increasing, the value of the Greystone experience provides the most significant return for your preparatory school investment.

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